How long the clothes are used

By giving your clothes a little love, they will live much longer. At the same time, we take care of the environment.

Repair and replace

• Replace a zip of, patch or sew in a button onto your jeans.

• Redesign and alter a garment in a creative and personal way.

• Reuse and swap clothes with friends, neighbours and colleagues – organise a clothes swap day every autumn and spring.

Store and conserve

• When storing for a longer period of time, vacuum bags should be avoided. There’s a risk that the fibres will be compressed, which can destroy the garments’ shape.

• Store clothes that aren’t being used by carefully packing them away, or hanging them up in protective clothing bags. They’ll retain their shape best that way.

• Avoid wire hangers as they tend to distort your clothes. Choose good quality wooden hangers instead.

Donate and recycle

• Donate clothes and shoes to charity or an organisation that recycles textiles.

• A last resort when garments are too worn is to hand them in for recycling, or cut up your clothes and use them as rags.